Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Salad Garden Part 2

I got the salad garden almost done yesterday. I want to plant some lettuce in the front, so it isn't completely done. But the bed is done, the kale, broccoli, and spinach are all planted. The experiment is officially underway! (The first post for this project is found here.)

Here are the final photos.

Bed all done, wood chips in place.
Here's the corner that has newspaper under it, and a piece of paneling at the bottom of the fence, below the dirt, to keep the dirt from leaking out the fence.
Kale on the far left, broccoli on the right, and you can't quite see the spinach because it's little. It lines the front of the bed.
Here's the spinach!
Since the wood chips were all in place before I planted (that's what the video said to do), I had to move the chips out of the way when I planted. As I dug the hole, I kinda made a mess with the dirt.

I ended up adding another wheel barrow full of wood chips to cover up the places where the dirt was visible after I planted.
I actually think the bed looks kinda nice, nicer than anything else we've ever done in this spot.
This guy thought it looked kinda nice, too. I sent him to visit the chickens, they thought he looked kinda nice.... for a snack.
The first lady bug of the season! Sweet!
I watered all the plants very well yesterday and today. I'll water them every day this week. After that  I'll only water them if they wilt.

Planting some lettuce is still on the list. My plan is to plant it between the spinach plants.

It will be an interesting experiment. I'd love fresh broccoli, kale, spinach, and lettuce all summer long.

And if this works well, this will be an easy bed to cover in the fall to extend the growing season.

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