Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Repairing the Chair

I love our comfortable chairs by the wood-stove. They are used daily in the summer as well as the winter. Hubby bought me this set of furniture about 12 years ago because they are so comfortable. The set includes a couch that is currently in the music room (otherwise known as the "Front Room").

The chairs have been so well loved and so well used that on cushion developed a huge hole in the cushion. Really, it had two holes, one hole on either side of the cushion. After the first hole, I flipped the cushion over, but the other side ended up with a hole as well.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do about the hole, perhaps make a new cushion cover out of a coordinating fabric or get a slip cover for both chairs. A few weeks ago I noticed that two of the pillows that came with the set were made of the same fabric as the cushions on the chairs!

Voila! patches for the cushions! I would rather have two fewer pillows and cushions that would last another year or two.

So I carefully took one of the pillows apart at the seams so that I would have as much usable fabric as possible. Then I ironed the pieces and trimmed the edges even. The front and back of the pillow made very large patches for the cushion with the holes!

This is the cushion after I took it off the pillow part. You can see how large the hole is, and how much the worn part takes up! 

All patched! Because the fabric is plaid it was easy to match the patch with the cushion cover. You can see the the cushion is a bit dirty, I'll send it through the washer another day.

The cushion back on the comfy chair ready for someone to sit and read! It should last a few more years.

Recently I read that a good spouse has all the qualities of a good Boy Scout: A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. I believe them! Repairing the cushion was my thrifty deed for the day!


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